2019 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC ‘19) Twenty-third Annual HPEC Conference 24 - 26 September 2019 Westin Hotel, Waltham, MA USA
Wednesday September 25, 2019
Scaling HPC Education 1:00-2:40 in Eden Vale A1 Chair: Julie Mullen / MIT-LL and Lauren Milechin / MIT-EAPS Invited Talk: Humans in Scaling Research Computing Facilitation and Education Robert Freeman (Harvard Boston Univ. Business School) Invited Talk: A Workforce Development Strategy for Research Computing Julie Ma (Northeast Cyberteam Initiative) Invited Talk: Developing HPC Skills across the University Community Brian Gregor (Boston University) Invited Talk: SPOC to MOOC, Extending Local Training to the HPC Community Julie Mullen (MIT-Lincoln Laboratory); Lauren Milechin ( MIT Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences)